Published by Lily Poetry Books

Robin Reagler’s gorgeous, fierce collection Night Is This Anyway spills over with “an ocean of music.” The forcefield throughout these poems is Eros –– the strange attractors of planets, people and story in “erotic communication.” Nothing is too other, lowly or ordinary to be excluded from the affinities of Reagler’s poems which touch into anime, bodies, time, desire, clouds, sex, otters, x-rays, neighbors, ambulances, an armadillo, chaos, cat drawings, nightmare, tulips, DJs, lovers, lip gloss and more music. This list is not exhaustive. There is a wide “beyondable spectrum of yes” in these wild and unruly pages which includes each of us, every reader and distant star, lost animal, in shared revelation.

“I am the always of walking, and you 

are the destination, the pure, 

unremarkable but beautiful half-sun. 

I aim my poem at you. Every poem is 

for you.”

Meredith Stricker, author of five poetry collections, recipient of the National Poetry Series Award and co-director of visual poetry studio.

You can purchase this book from the publisher, Lily Poetry Books, or


This is a book of strict observance of all that can be touched.” – Jericho Brown, winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry 2020

Into The The, winner of the Best Book Award, is now available for order from Backlash Press. Its official publication date is World Poetry Day, March 21st, 2021.

Teeth & Teeth is the winner of the Charlotte Mew Prize. According to Natalie Diaz, winner of the Pulitzer Prize 2021,“The poems in Teeth & Teeth risk simplicity—of the line, of language, and ultimately of desire. Language here is not fantastical or flexed, but quiet and intentional, precise—language is allowed to feel, to labor, to pulse. Because of this, the poems’ momentous hunger, anger, desire—the poems’ “teeth” if you will—are urgently and deceivingly near.” You can purchase it at Headmistress Press or


With an introduction by Laura Mullen, Dear Red Airplane is available for order at Seven Kitchens Press. It’s a limited edition of 100 copies. Gratitude and big love to Ron Mohring  for this beautiful publication. You can place orders here.